The Club for Wet & Messy Guys
Fill in your details below carefully, review and then click send.
Once we've got your application and payment we'll give you a membership number and set up your access to the Members' section of the website. We will also send the latest club magazine to you.
£10.00 per year
If you choose this option we will e-mail you the link so you can make your payment. This isn't an automated process so it will take one or two days.
You can pay using your own PayPal account, or a credit or debit card.
Can be arranged after your membership request has been received.
The information in this section will ONLY be used by club officials to communicate with you and administer your membership. Any information you provide here will NOT be divulged to any other person without your express consent.
Items marked with a RED Asterisk(*) are mandatory. Your application cannot be processed without this information.