Q. Who runs SLOSH?
A. S.L.O.S.H. is managed and run by a collection of unpaid members (volunteers) that give up their own personal time to help make the club run. Without these members there would be no club, no events, magazine or website. Often they deal with matters arrising as best they can and may not always be able to provide immediate responses. The volunteers have jobs and a life outside of the club which also means taking holidays, dealing with family issues and any other number of private matters..
Q. Do I have to be Gay to join SLOSH?
A. No, we are not concerned about your sexuality; but we are a men-only club, and most of our members are Gay or Bisexual.
Q. Where are you based?
A. In the United Kingdom, although we do have members in Europe, the United States and elsewhere. Our events all take place in the United Kingdom.
Q. Why do you charge a membership fee?
A. This covers the cost of printing and distributing the club magazine, which comes out three times a year, is printed on high quality paper and contains twenty pages packed with news, stories and photos (many in full colour). The membership fee also covers the cost of running the website and the club generally - however the club is run entirely by volunteers who give their time freely.
Q. Who sets the club rules?
A. The members do. We have an Annual General Meeting in May each year at which members appoint a Committee to act on their behalf in the year that follows.
Q. Why isn't this just an Internet only free club?
A. SLOSH allows people to be in touch with others into the same activities both through the printed directory, the online Profiles and the interactive club message board. It's about real people and real activities, not cyber meets.
Q. Is SLOSH a lively club?
A. Well, in 2015 we had over 33 members attend our A.G.M. in Manchester, plus our York invite sold out and we had events in Torquay, Barnet, Rochester and Birmignham too! Of course many of our members make their own arrangements to meet each other for wet and messy fun!
Q. How do I find out about the events?
A. They are publicised in the magazine well in advance, as well as on the website. We also send out e-mails to remind members nearer the time, together with booking forms if needed. All members are welcome.
Q. What about members who don't have web access?
A. Almost all of our members do have e-mail and web access - however those that don't receive club information - including event reminders - by post. Internet access is strongly encouraged as it is the most efficient means of communication.
Q. Do I have to participate in the events?
A. No, you can participate in as much or as little as you like.
Q. Do the events cost money?
A. Where there is a cost, e.g. for gunge-y events, this is shared between those members who take part. In some cases where space allows members may attend and watch for free!
Q. I don't want my details publishing, it could be difficult for me at work/at home.
A. Many of our members value confidentiality and discretion, as they are not "out" about their involvement in SLOSH to partners, friends, work colleagues and the like. It is therefore up to you how visible or otherwise your details are. Nothing is printed or published on the web without your permission.
Q. The initiation looks really unpleasant, do I have to be initiated?
A. Absolutely not! Everything is optional and if there's a reasonable alternative you'd prefer we'll try our best to make it happen for you. Plus if it's your birthday - let us know and we'll arrange a messy treat.
Q. Great stuff! Now how do I join?
A. Go to the "Join Us" page - it's easy to join!